[Lexicog] Natural Language --> Integer Value

Sherman Monroe shermandmonroe at YAHOO.COM
Mon Aug 14 12:56:55 UTC 2006

Pretty neat. Although, cypher's not exclusive to number generation, it's just an application of the framework.

Thanks for the link.

Mike Maxwell <maxwell at ldc.upenn.edu> wrote:                                  shermandmonroe wrote:
 > Here is a program which generates the integer value of natural
 > language numbers, e.g. nine hundred twenty eight million two thousand
 > fourteen --> 928,002,014. The grammar can be extended to cover numbers
 > in any language. 
 You may be interested in a similar program, done with the Xerox Finite 
 State toolkit.  Some examples are at 
 http://www.stanford.edu/~laurik/fsmbook/home.html (under Code Examples). 
   Unfortunately, the numbers past 99 are left as an exercise for the 
 student (under Additional Exercises)!
  Mike Maxwell
  maxwell at ldc.upenn.edu

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