[Lexicog] on-line etymological dictionary

Hayim Sheynin hsheynin19444 at YAHOO.COM
Thu Dec 14 20:35:44 UTC 2006

Thank you, Mike.
I found some Latin and Greek dictionaries. The situation with Latin is much better, than other two I mentioned.



maxwell at ldc.upenn.edu wrote:                                  Quoting Hayim Sheynin <hsheynin19444 at yahoo.com>:
 > Do you know, whether  online versions of big Latin,   Greek and 
 > Sanskrit dictionaries exist?
 I don't know about these specific dictionaries, but you might have a 
 look at this for some general links to lists of on-line dictionaries:
 The URL may be broken in the email, in which case try
 and follow the links to Languages | General Resources | Dictionaries.
 For Sanskrit, a likely source is the U of Chicago website.
 Mike Maxwell
 This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

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