[Lexicog] buzzwords and fuzzwords: embiggen and debiggen

Sebastian Drude sebadru at ZEDAT.FU-BERLIN.DE
Sun Oct 29 13:48:31 UTC 2006

Hello, Fritz,

> Hallo, Stefan,

It's Sebastian, but never mind...

> Are you German, judging from your e-mail coming from Berlin?

Yes, but I am writing from Belém, Brazil.
And you, where are you based, and how come that German name?

 > One of my favorites is the guru of the new science of fuzzy logic,
 > Bart Kosko, ... “Fuzzy Thinking. The New Science of Fuzzy Logic”,

Thank you for that hint as well!

Auf Wiederschreiben (does not exist, but would be a nice ENrichENment of 

| Sebastian   D R U D E    (Linguist, Awetí Project)
| Setor de Lingüística -- CCH --  Museu P. E. Goeldi
| Cx. P. 399   --   66 040 - 170  Belém do Pará - PA
| [55] (91) 3217-6123 --  sebadru at zedat.fu-berlin.de
| www.germanistik.fu-berlin.de/il/pers/drude-en.html

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