[Lexicog] Cheyenne dictionary and blog

Wayne Leman wayne_leman at SIL.ORG
Fri Sep 8 22:26:39 UTC 2006

Thank you, Benjamin. I had fixed several of those, but missed some. They should all be fixed now.
Wayne Leman

  I'm getting garbling both in Explorer and Firefox at


  The garbling is in the upper right frame.

  Benjamin Barrett
  a cyberbreath for living languages

  Wayne Leman wrote:
  > Jan, I was startled recently to discover that Cheyenne students (they 
  > are adult speakers of the language) locate Cheyenne words in the 
  > printed form of the dictionary (same content as the online dictionary) 
  > by going to the English-Cheyenne index at the back of the book. And 
  > it's not full enough for best dictionary usage, as you note.
  > Wayne
  > -----
  > Wayne Leman
  > Cheyenne dictionary online:
  > http://www11.asphost4free.com/cheyennedictionary/default.htm 
  > <http://www11.asphost4free.com/cheyennedictionary/default.htm>

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