[Lexicog] Cheyenne dictionary and blog

Wayne Leman wayne_leman at SIL.ORG
Sat Sep 9 15:23:58 UTC 2006

Benjamin, I wish I could replicate this. I don't see any garbling in either Firefox or Explorer.
Wayne Leman
Cheyenne dictionary online:

  Yours looks okay, but the source page still has the garbling in Firefox 
  and Explorer. I see now that it's not in the upper right frame, but just 
  the right frame above the entries. BB

  Nick Thieberger wrote:
  > Looks ok to me in Firefox. I've put a (draft) version of a dictionary of
  > South Efate here (using LexiquePro):
  > http://paradisec.org.au/SELexicon/index-english/main.htm. 
  > <http://paradisec.org.au/SELexicon/index-english/main.htm.>
  > The entries starting with 'n' have lots of images associated with them
  > (mostly plant id pics).
  > Many cross references don't work in this version but will in the next one.
  > Nick
  > On Sat, September 9, 2006 10:01 am, Benjamin Barrett wrote:
  > > I'm still getting garbling. BB
  > >
  > > Wayne Leman wrote:
  > >>
  > >> Thank you, Benjamin. I had fixed several of those, but missed some.
  > >> They should all be fixed now.
  > >> Wayne Leman
  > >>
  > >>
  > >> I'm getting garbling both in Explorer and Firefox at
  > >>
  > >> 
  > http://www11.asphost4free.com/cheyennedictionary/index-english/main.htm 
  > <http://www11.asphost4free.com/cheyennedictionary/index-english/main.htm>
  > >> 
  > <http://www11.asphost4free.com/cheyennedictionary/index-english/main.htm 
  > <http://www11.asphost4free.com/cheyennedictionary/index-english/main.htm>>
  > >>
  > >> The garbling is in the upper right frame.
  > >>
  > >> Benjamin Barrett
  > >> a cyberbreath for living languages
  > >> livinglanguages.wordpress.com
  > >>
  > >> Wayne Leman wrote:
  > >> >
  > >> > Jan, I was startled recently to discover that Cheyenne students
  > >> (they
  > >> > are adult speakers of the language) locate Cheyenne words in the
  > >> > printed form of the dictionary (same content as the online
  > >> dictionary)
  > >> > by going to the English-Cheyenne index at the back of the book.
  > >> And
  > >> > it's not full enough for best dictionary usage, as you note.
  > >> >
  > >> > Wayne
  > >> > -----
  > >> > Wayne Leman
  > >> > Cheyenne dictionary online:
  > >> > http://www11.asphost4free.com/cheyennedictionary/default.htm 
  > <http://www11.asphost4free.com/cheyennedictionary/default.htm>
  > >> <http://www11.asphost4free.com/cheyennedictionary/default.htm 
  > <http://www11.asphost4free.com/cheyennedictionary/default.htm>>
  > >> > <http://www11.asphost4free.com/cheyennedictionary/default.htm 
  > <http://www11.asphost4free.com/cheyennedictionary/default.htm>
  > >> <http://www11.asphost4free.com/cheyennedictionary/default.htm 
  > <http://www11.asphost4free.com/cheyennedictionary/default.htm>>>
  > >

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