[Lexicog] to let one's hair down

Hayim Sheynin hsheynin19444 at YAHOO.COM
Sun Apr 13 02:28:19 UTC 2008

There is also another meaning to this idiom, a figurative one, to say be frank, to say what is on your mind, to speak from one's heart.

Hayim Y. Sheynin

dick_watson at sil.org wrote:                              
>From western US: relax and be yourself, casual, no airs or cover up. Literally, I visualize a lady with fancy hairdo, letting it all out, au natural. 
"Fritz Goerling" <Fritz_Goerling at sil.org> 
I am interested to learn how anglophones (from different parts of the world) use the idiom “to let one’s hair down.”  
Fritz Goerling 

Dr. Hayim Y. Sheynin
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