[Lexicog] LEGO: Lexicon Enhancement Through the GOLD Ontology

Ronald Moe ron_moe at SIL.ORG
Wed Apr 1 17:26:30 UTC 2009

For those of you who are not subscribed to LINGUIST (Homepage:
http://linguistlist.org/) there was a very important announcement posted to
LINGUIST today concerning the new LEGO project. I've pasted the announcement

Ron Moe




Dear Subscribers,

We'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to one of our 
newest research projects, called LEGO (Lexicon Enhancement 
through the GOLD Ontology). This project is taking a number of 
lexicons, which are being provided by their creators, and digitizing 
them. After being put online, they will be tagged with terms from 
GOLD, the General Ontology for Linguistic Description. Because the 
data will be linked to GOLD, the lexicons will be interoperable, so 
users will be able to construct linguistically interesting queries, 
and because the lexicons which have been generously made available 
to us come from 16 different projects and cover over 300 languages, 
this will be a significant resource for typologists, semanticists, 
lexicographers, translators and other researchers.

Currently, we are working on evaluating all the different types 
and formats of lexicons we have to work with, and figuring out 
an XML framework which will, beyond simply accommodating all of 
this data, make the most of the wealth of information which the 
lexicons contain. We will then be designing a search interface 
and working with our collaborators to digitize their lexicons. 
In the future, the process we establish for digitizing these 
lexicons will be available to be applied to other lexicons as 
well, so that the network of information can continue to grow.

We look forward to bringing you more news about this project 
as it progresses.

Susan Smith & Hunter Lockwood
Team Leaders, LEGO Project

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