[Lexicog] copyright-free images for use in dictionary

Christopher P. Wilde chris_wilde at SALL.COM
Mon Jun 15 15:38:11 UTC 2009


One possible link is www.flikr.com which has millions of photographs  
from amateur and professional photographers around the world. There  
are 3700 "group pools" of photographs from the Philippines alone. One,  
for example, is the "Wow!! Philippines"-pool with almost 3000 photos  
in itself:


You can search for "groups" (or, "pools") at: http://www.flickr.com/search/groups

Here's, for example, a picture of "balut" taken by a friend of mine in  


Many people "tag" their photos which makes it easier to search for  
specific items. For example, a basic search on "balut" via the www.flikr.com 
  page comes up with over 3000 photos. Like this one:


Most photographers have their photos marked with copyright. However,  
some people may well be willing to let you use them providing you  
contact them and ask for permission (and some people even say so in  
their "profile"). Some may ask for compensation, others might not.  
Perhaps worth a try.

Best regards,

-Chris Wilde

On 12 Jun 2009, at 03:52, Doug Trick wrote:

> A team in the Philippines is preparing a dictionary representing the
> lexicon of a minority language. They are wondering if anyone can
> recommend a source for copyright-free images that might be useful for
> such a dictionary. I think they're looking for digital images that can
> be accessed over the Internet. But if someone knows of something in
> print (with images that could be scanned), that might also be helpful.
> Doug T

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