[Lexicog] Lexikos is now a Gold Open Access journal

Gilles-Maurice de Schryver gillesmaurice.deschryver at UGENT.BE
Wed Feb 1 01:06:56 UTC 2012

Dear colleagues,


These are exciting times! The Board of AFRILEX (i.e. the African Association
for Lexicography), in conjunction with the Bureau of the WAT, decided to
turn Lexikos into an open access journal. Starting with Volume 21 (2011),
Lexikos is now freely available to all online readers. Back issues are being
added as they are digitized and indexed. Please visit:




Officially the mouthpiece of AFRILEX, Lexikos also welcomes contributions
from non-members. Lexikos is indexed by the Thomson Reuters Web of Science
Citation Index. Its Impact Factor for 2010 was 0.607. (The Impact Factor of
our sister publication, the International Journal of Lexicography, was of
the same order for 2010: 0.567.) Prospective authors are invited to submit
their manuscripts to this year's editor of Lexikos, Prof. D.J. Prinsloo, at
danie.prinsloo at up.ac.za.


Kind regards,

Gilles-Maurice de Schryver

President: AFRILEX



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