[Lexicog] Re: [euralex] Re: [DSNA] RE: End of print dictionaries at Macmillan

Hayim Sheynin hayim.sheynin at GMAIL.COM
Tue Nov 6 19:04:14 UTC 2012

I think each format has its positives (advantages) and its negatives
But in the end the practicalities and the interests of business win.

Hayim Sheynin

On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 2:16 AM, Adam Kilgarriff <adam at lexmasterclass.com>wrote:

> **
> > What a sad day!
> Not at all! A day of liberation for the straitjacket of print!
> Adam
> On 5 November 2012 14:48, <Lexicophile at aol.com> wrote:
>> **
>> What a sad day!  When looking up anything in a print dictionary, you
>> generally stumble across all sorts of delightful material you never would
>> have known to look for.  With an electronic dictionary, generally speaking,
>> what you search is what you get, and nothing beyond.
>> Dan Pratt
>>  In a message dated 11/5/2012 6:00:16 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
>> gillesmaurice.deschryver at UGent.be writes:
>> Dear Friends and Colleagues,
>> This is Breaking News indeed!
>> "Macmillan Dictionaries will no longer appear as physical books. The final
>> copies are rolling off the presses at this very moment, and from next
>> year,
>> Macmillan Dictionary will be available only online."
>> http://www.macmillaneducation.com/MediaArticle.aspx?id=1778
>> For the past decade or so, we have all been expecting an announcement like
>> this from one of the major dictionary publishers, and I am happy to see
>> that
>> the honour goes to Macmillan, a key player in the monolingual learner's
>> dictionary market for English. Finally getting rid of the paper
>> constraints,
>> and starting to exploit the true power of the digital medium -- and to be
>> able to do just that -- is nothing less than a revolution. I predict that
>> the other major publishers will now also stop talking about what should be
>> done, to simply take the step and do it.
>> More info in Michael Rundell's post below.
>> Kind regards,
>> Gilles-Maurice de Schryver
>> President of AFRILEX and author of "Lexicographers' Dreams in the
>> Electronic-Dictionary Age" (IJL 16.2, 2003, free access here
>> <http://www.oxfordjournals.org/page/4646/3> )
>> From: euralex-bounce at freelists.org [mailto:euralex-bounce at freelists.org]
>> On
>> Behalf Of Anne Dykstra
>> Sent: maandag 5 november 2012 10:11
>> To: euralex at freelists.org
>> Subject: [euralex] End of print dictionaries at Macmillan
>> Macmillan has announced that, from 2013, it will no longer be publishing
>> dictionaries in book form. It will focus instead on its expanding range of
>> digital resources. Michael Rundell, Editor-in-Chief of the Macmillan
>> dictionary list, sees this as both inevitable and entirely positive. He
>> regards the printed book as a very limiting medium, and increasingly out
>> of
>> step with the way people look for information in the second decade of the
>> 21st century. While printed reference books are out of date as soon they
>> go
>> on sale, an online dictionary can be kept fully up to date. More than
>> this,
>> the digital medium allows dictionary publishers to provide valuable
>> additional resources, like audio pronunciations, interactive games, and a
>> thesaurus function. As well as all these, Macmillan has a crowd-sourced
>> dictionary (the 'Open Dictionary') fed by users from all over the world,
>> and
>> an active blog with four or five new posts every week on language-related
>> issues. Michael says he was struck by one of the findings reported at the
>> recent Euralex Congress in Gilles-Maurice de Schryver's plenary: his
>> analysis of papers in the Euralex archive showed that the word 'look up'
>> had
>> declined in frequency and been overtaken by 'search'. This is the world
>> that
>> dictionaries belong to now. For more details, see the post on this subject
>> in Macmillan's blog:
>> http://www.macmillandictionaryblog.com/bye-print-dictionary.
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> --
> ========================================
> Adam Kilgarriff <http://www.kilgarriff.co.uk/>
> adam at lexmasterclass.com
> Director                                    Lexical Computing Ltd<http://www.sketchengine.co.uk/>
> Visiting Research Fellow                 University of Leeds<http://leeds.ac.uk>
> *Corpora for all* with the Sketch Engine <http://www.sketchengine.co.uk>
>                         *DANTE: a lexical database for English<http://www.webdante.com>
>                   *
> ========================================
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