elision and clitics

Anette Frank anette at ims.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed Oct 23 12:10:55 UTC 1996

>I'm implementing a grammar of French, and would now like to integrate the
>treatment of elision and that of clitics. Is there anyone who already did
>some work on these subjects in French and/or Italian?

>Thanks in advance for helping me!

There is a French LFG grammar, implemented at IMS Stuttgart, which
covers, besides many other constructions, clitics and to some extent elision. 

The grammar is documented, together with a German LFG grammar, in:

Berman, Judith/ Frank, Anette (1986):
Deutsche und Franz"osische Syntax im Formalismus der LFG, in:
Linguistische Arbeiten 344, Niemeyer, T"ubingen.

Best, Anette

			     Anette Frank
		Institut fuer maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung
			Universitaet Stuttgart
		   Azenbergstr. 12, 70174 Stuttgart 
		  e-mail: anette at ims.uni-stuttgart.de
		        Tel:  +49-711-121-1375

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