
Joan Bresnan bresnan at CSLI.Stanford.EDU
Wed Oct 30 17:33:33 UTC 1996

A lot of work on nominalization has been done in lfg since Rappaport,
but most of it is not about English.  Check out articles, books,
and/or dissertations by the following authors (either in the lfg
biblio or by contacting them by email).  The references cites in these
works are also a useful starting point.

Stella Markantonatou (Essex) - Greek
Farrell Ackerman (UCSD) - Hungarian
Yo Matsumoto (Tokyo Christian U) - Japanese (Stanford
	Ph.D. diss, forthcoming as CSLI book)
Tibor Lazcko (Lajo Kossuth Univ) - Hungarian
Bjarne Oersnes (Univ of Copenhage) - Danish compounds
Sam Mchombo (Berkeley) - Chichewa
John Mugane (Stanford/Arizona) - Kikuyu
Alex Alsina (Nat'l Univ Singapore) - Catalan
Joan Bresnan (Stanford) - (Paris ppr on
lexicality and argument structure)

Hope this helps--j.

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