Lexical Mapping Theory

Tamer Mahdi tamer at csd.uwo.ca
Wed Feb 19 23:48:56 UTC 1997

The intrinsic role classifications of the Lexical Mapping Theory as 
defined in [Bresnan and Kanerva, 1989] specify mapping rules for the 
thematic roles: agent, theme/patient, and location. The other thematic 
roles: beneficiary, recipient/experiencer and instrument have no intrinsic
role classfication defined.
Is this because the author's chose to specify the intrinsic role 
classifications only for some thematic roles? 
There are no intrinsic role classifications for thematic roles other 
than agent, theme, and location. Hence, for all other thematic roles the 
default role classifications should apply.

I hope someone answers this question for me, specically Joan Bresnan (if

	Tamer Mahdi
        Computer Science Department
        University of Western Ontario
        Ontario, Canada

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