post-doc position at Academia Sinica

Chu-Ren Huang hschuren at
Thu Feb 11 10:33:06 UTC 1999

Academia Sinica Post-Doctoral Fellow in Lexical Semantics/Corpus Linguistics

Position immediately availalbe
Grant ends on Dec. 31, 1999, but renewable for up to another two years
[Application is also open for a new grant to start this fall.  Interested
persion should contact us for more details.]

Research Areas: [Attested research ability in two or more of the
                       following areas is strongly preferred]
                I. Corpus Linguistic
                II. Lexical Semantics
                III. Mandarin Chinese Syntax/Semantics
                IV. Computational Linguistics

Affiliated Research Group:
Chinese Knowledge Information Processing Group
Institute of Linguistics (Preparatory Office), Academia Sinica

        (1) Ph. D. in Linguistics
        (2) (near) Native Fluency in Mandarin Chinese

Application Accepted continuously until position is filled:
Email, Send, or FAX
(1) cover letter
(2) C.V. (including list of publications), and
(3) statement of research interests and proposed research areas

Email: hschuren at
Fax:  C/o Chu-Ren Huang at 886-2-2788-1638, 2652-3162

Selected candidate will be asked to submit further documentation
including the following before the grant can be officially given:
        (1) application forms (which will be mailed to the candidates
        later), (2) statement of purpose, (3) Thesis, (4) proof of
        doctorate degree (received by the time of application or to be
        completed by the time the fellowship starts),

 TO:  Professor Chu-Ren Huang
      Institute of Linguistics
      Academia Sinica
      Nankang, Taipei
      Taiwan 115

III. Background:
        The CKIP research group has been involved in fundamental
theoretical research as well as infrastructure-building work in
Chinese NLP for over the past 12 years. It has produced the first
Chinese electronic lexicon for NLP, the first tagged and balanced
corpus of Mandarin Chinese (the 5 million word Sinica Corpus), and
over one hundred scholarly papers. It has contributed substantively to
the account of Mandarin Chinese syntax and semantics, and has recently
open the new direction in Chinese lexical semantics. All five previous
post-doctoral fellows with CKIP now hold tenure-track positions with national
universities in Taiwan. Previous successful applicants received
their Ph.D.'s from the following international universities: Ohio
State University, Stanford University, University of Colorado,
University of Paris VII, UMIST, and National Tsing Hua University.

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