Call for Participation: Communicating Agents

Bernhard Schroeder B.Schroeder at
Fri Feb 4 00:48:28 UTC 2000

Please circulate the following Call for Participation:

Communicating Agents

Workshop of the GLDV special interest group on 
generation and parsing in morphology, syntax and semantics,
IKP, University of Bonn, Feb 15, 2000

In the focus of this workshop will be approaches to the 
formal description and to the implementation of 
communicating agents. 

List of lectures

Anton Benz: Perspectives and derived extensions of dialogue acts 
Rodolfo Delmonte: Parsing preferences and lingustic strategies  
Roland Hausser: A new data structure for representing propositional
Jan-Torsten Milde: Der kommunikative Agent Lokutor 
Christof Monz: Ambiguous communication in a multi-agent system 
Bernd S. Müller: Remarks on concept formation for cognitive robotics 
Paul Piwek: Constraint-based Dialogue Modelling: Indirect Speech Acts 
Henk Zeevat: Discourse markers as speech act markers 


Please register before Feb 8, 2000, if possible. 

Organizing Comittee

      Roland Hausser, University of Erlangen 
      Hans-Christian Schmitz, University of Bonn 
      Bernhard Schroeder, University of Bonn 

Workshop fees

Members of the GLDV, non-students 
      DM 20 
Student members of the GLDV 
      DM 10 
Others, non-students 
      DM 40 
Other students 
      DM 20


Bernhard Schroeder
Institut für Kommunikationsforschung und Phonetik
Universität Bonn
Poppelsdorfer Allee 47
D-53115 Bonn

      B.Schroeder at 
      +49 228 735621 
      +49 228 735639

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