Lectureship in Computational Linguistics

paul paul at ccl.umist.ac.uk
Fri May 18 09:50:51 UTC 2001

             Centre for Computational Linguistics, UMIST
                Lecturer in Computational Linguistics

The Centre for Computational Linguistics (CCL) was created 
almost 25 years ago, and has an established reputation for 
teaching and research in NLP, specializing in multilingual 
applications of CL, notably Machine Translation and Computer-
Assisted Language Learning.

CCL now has a vacancy for a Lecturer in Computational 
Linguistics. The successful candidate will conduct research in 
any topic relevant to the Centre'’s main research interests, CALL 
and MT. The candidate will also contribute to postgraduate 
teaching on MSc courses in MT and CALL and will be 
expected to supervise MSc and PhD students. We are looking 
for someone with a PhD, teaching experience, and plenty of 
ideas for research grant applications. An active research profile 
is essential, and the successful candidate will have a reasonable 
publication record as well as experience of funded research, at 
least as a contributor if not as principal investigator.

Salary will be within the Lecturer A scale:  £18,731-–£23,256 
per annum.

For an application form and further details please write to: The 
Personnel Office, UMIST, PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, Great Britain,
enclosing a self-addressed envelope.  Please quote reference:  
LE/A/122.  Informal enquiries can be addressed to 
Harold.Somers at umist.ac.uk. The closing date is 30 June 2001.

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