Verb Initial Syntax Workshop - Call for papers

Andrew Carnie carnie at U.Arizona.EDU
Sat Sep 28 16:20:24 UTC 2002

			--- Call for Papers ---

	   Workshop on the Syntax of Verb Initial Languages
			University of Arizona,
			    Tucson, Arizona.
			February 21,22,23, 2003

Partly supported  by the Dept of Linguistics, University of Arizona and
the National Science Foundation.

Invited Speakers (Partial List -- more speakers will be announced later)
James McCloskey, UCSC
Sandra Chung, UCSC
Judith Aissen, UCSC
Jamal Ouhalla, UC Dublin
Lisa deMena Travis, McGill
Felicia Lee, UBC
Henry Davis, UBC
Diane Massam, Toronto
Arthur Holmer, Lund U.

The syntax of many unrelated verb initial languages are surprisingly
similar in ways that might have an explanation in terms of Universal
Grammar. In this workshop, we bring together researchers who work on a
wide variety of verb initial languages to consider such questions as: Is
there a universal derivation of V-initial order? Are there any true
syntactic correlates to the order? What explains these correlates? While
the workshop will focus on theoretical explanations for typological
properties, papers on any aspect of the syntax of verb initial languages
are welcome.

Call for papers
	We have a limited number of slots available for 30min talks
(+15 for discussion). 5 copies of anonymous abstracts, of no more than 1
page, + 1 page for data/references (12 point font, 1 inch margins)
should be submitted to:

		Verb Initial Syntax Workshop, Program Committee
		Department of Linguistics
		Douglass 200E
		University of Arizona,
		Tucson AZ 85721 USA

Authors should also include a separate page with address and contact

Deadline:	October 31, 2002.

Electronic submissions must arrive before 5pm PST. They must be in PDF
format (Sorry no other formats are acceptable), and should be sent to
carnie at

Pending budgetary availablity, we may have some travel funds for
abstract-selected speakers.

Andrew Carnie, Sheila Dooley Collberg, Heidi Harley
Organizers, Verb Initial Syntax Workshop.

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