LFGers! Time to donate to LINGUIST (fwd)

Andrew Carnie carnie at U.Arizona.EDU
Fri Mar 25 05:33:15 UTC 2005

Colleagues & Friends,

Please read this even if you don't subscribe to LINGUIST, because you do
subscribe to LFG at listserv.linguistlist.org which is hosted by, and paid
for by the LINGUIST list.

it's that time of year again. The LINGUIST list is having their annual
fund-drive. It's always a hassle to ask for money. But I think
LINGUIST is something that everyone can agree is an important service
to the discipline. LINGUIST doesn't charge for subscriptions, and it
doesn't charge for web access to their amazing resources. I can
tell you from experience that it is a major undertaking to run the
d*%m thing, they need every penny they get, and all the money is frugally
spent. For those of you abroad who might think that LINGUIST should be
supported by government grants, we wish that were true, but it just
isn't the way things work here in the states. Linguist relies on
subscriber donations.

If LINGUIST folds, so does the listserv and the archives of the LFG
list. So even if you aren't a subscriber to the LINGUIST list proper,
perhaps you'll consider making a donation to support the upkeep of the LFG
list. If you subscribe to both, then you have a double reason to

A donation in any amount large or small is welcome (even $5 or $10 if
that's all you can afford). For people who pay US taxes, the donation is
tax deductable. They also have some lovely thank-you gifts (premiums)
if you want them.

Here's the URL to donate:




			Andrew Carnie, Ph.D.
       	  		Assoc. Professor of Linguistics
     	    		Department of Linguistics
     	 		Douglass 200E, University of Arizona
    			Tucson, AZ 85721

				Tel: (520) 621 2802  Cell: (520) 971 1166

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