three posts in York
dt9 at YORK.AC.UK
dt9 at YORK.AC.UK
Wed Jan 31 14:07:45 UTC 2007
The Department of Educational Studies in York has advertised three new posts
in Education at the senior lecturer / reader level (salary range £40,335 –
49,607; the posts to commence on 1 September 2007 or as soon as possible
One of the research centres within the department is the Centre for Research
in Language Learning. The department has a real and pressing need for new
staff in the area of second language learning, applied linguistics and TESOL
(regrettably, this is not stated clearly in the advert). It is likely that
at least one post would go to that area if suitable candidates are found. A
key criterion for the appointments will be research excellence, but
willingness to teach English Linguistics and modules related to second
language learning and / or TESOL might be an advantage.
Closing date for applications is 12 noon on 15 February 2007. For further
information about the posts and how to apply, please see
Danijela Trenkic, PhD (Cantab)
Department of Educational Studies
University of York
YO10 5DD
Tel: +44 (0)1904 433 461
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