HPSG 2013, Progress in Linguistics, and the Summer of Linguistics, 26.08-29.08.

Stefan Müller Stefan.Mueller at FU-BERLIN.DE
Wed May 22 10:38:01 UTC 2013

Sorry for crossposting:


Registration for HPSG 2013 and ProgLing is now open.

Please find the program here:


The conference features a tutorial on Lin­guis­tic re­search with large 
annotat­ed web cor­po­ra by Felix Bildhauer and Roland Schäfer (the COW 


and a workshop on Progress in Linguistics


with invited speakers from several frameworks (Minimalism, Distributed 
Morphology, LFG, TAG, Arc Pair Grammar, GB, Dependency Grammar, HPSG) 
and Tibor Kiss.

The conference dinner will take place in Paresüd,


which is located in a park that is closed in the evening, so we have a 
park for ourselves.

The registration fee is 0€ (including the conference dinner for the 
first 50 registered participants).

All speakers are entitled to get the free dinner. To exclude 
gatecrashers, non-speakers are required to listen to all talks and ask 
at least three smart questions. Whether a question is smart will be 
decided by the audience. The vote is done by acclamation as in the 
British Parliament.


Please register here:


You may also con­sid­er tak­ing part in the Eu­ro­pean Sum­mer School of 
Logic, Lan­guage, and In­for­ma­tion (ESS­LLI) that takes place from 
05.08.–16.08.2013 in Düssel­dorf. There will be cours­es by Hans Kamp, 
Bob Levine, Ste­fan Müller, Ger­ald Penn, Carl Pol­lard, Man­fred 
Sail­er. Some of the cours­es ex­plic­it­ly deal with HPSG some with 
re­lat­ed top­ics.

ESS­LLI also fea­tures a work­shop on High-​lev­el Method­olo­gies for 
Gram­mar En­gi­neer­ing (HMGE 2013) and For­mal Gram­mar.

This is a list of conferences/workshops in the area in the time around 
the conference:

     05.–16.08. (Düssel­dorf): Eu­ro­pean Sum­mer School of Logic, 
Lan­guage, and In­for­ma­tion (ESS­LLI)
     10.–11.08. (Düssel­dorf): For­mal Gram­mar
     12.–16.08. (Düssel­dorf): Work­shop on High-​lev­el Method­olo­gies 
for Gram­mar En­gi­neer­ing (HMGE 2013)
     15.–18.08. (Leipzig): As­so­ci­a­tion for Lin­guis­tic Ty­pol­o­gy 
10th Bi­en­ni­al Con­fer­ence (ALT 10)

See you soon in Berlin!

         Stefan (Müller)

Stefan Müller       Tel: (+49) (+30) 838 52973
                     Fax: (+49) (030) 838 4 52973
Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie
Deutsche Grammatik
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14 195 Berlin


http://hpsg.fu-berlin.de/OALI/ (Open Access)


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