[LFG] LFG21: Second Call for Papers

Agnieszka Patejuk agnieszka.patejuk at googlemail.com
Tue Dec 22 09:02:49 UTC 2020

Second Call for Papers

                      LFG21: The 26th International Lexical-Functional
Grammar Conference

                                   15 June - 17 June 2021
                                     University of Oslo

Conference website:

Conference e-mail (NOT for abstract submission): lfg-2021 'at' iln.uio.no

Abstract submission deadline: 15 February 2021, 23:59 UTC-12 (midnight
anywhere on Earth)

Important notice: Depending on the situation with respect to the
pandemic, the conference might be moved to an online event. In that
case, the conference will take place online in mid-July. The decision
whether the conference will move online will be made before the final
submission date, and will be announced accordingly.

Abstracts should be submitted using the online submission system at

Invited speakers:
Ida Toivonen (Carleton University, Canada) and Stephen Wechsler
(University of Texas at Austin, USA)

Workshop (half-day): 18 June 2021.

LFG21 welcomes work within the formal architecture of
Lexical-Functional Grammar as well as typological, formal, and
computational work within the 'spirit of LFG' as a lexicalist approach
to language employing a parallel, constraint-based framework. The
conference aims to promote interaction and collaboration among
researchers interested in non-derivational approaches to grammar,
where grammar is seen as the interaction of (perhaps violable)
constraints from multiple levels of structuring, including those of
syntactic categories, grammatical relations, semantics and discourse.


The main conference sessions will involve 45-minute talks (30 min + 15
min discussion), and poster presentations. Contributions can focus on
results from completed as well as ongoing research, with an emphasis
on novel approaches, methods, ideas, and perspectives, whether
descriptive, theoretical, formal or computational. Presentations
should describe original, unpublished work.

As in previous years, we are hoping to hold a special session that
will give students the chance to present recent PhD dissertations (or
other student research dissertations). The dissertations must be
completed by the time of the conference, and they should be made
publicly accessible (e.g., on the World Wide Web). The talks in this
session should provide an overview of the main original points of the
dissertation; the talks will be 20 minutes, followed by a 10-minute
discussion period.

Students should note that the main sessions are certainly also open to
student submissions. Students who present papers in either session
will receive a small subvention towards their conference costs from
the International LFG Association (ILFGA).


Deadline for abstracts:  15 February 2021, 23:59 UTC-12 (midnight
anywhere on Earth)
Notification of acceptance:  31 March 2021
Conference:  15 June - 17 June 2021


The language of the conference is English, and all abstracts must be
written in English.

All abstracts should be submitted using the online submission system.
Submissions should be in the form of abstracts only. Abstracts can be
up to three A4 pages, including figures and references. Abstracts
should be in 10pt or larger type, with margins of at least 2cm on all
four sides, and should include a title. Omit name and affiliation
(including in PDF document properties), and avoid obvious

Please submit your abstract in .pdf format (or a plain text file). If
you have any trouble converting your file into .pdf please contact the
Program Committee at the address below. (On the Easychair submission
system, if you upload your abstract as a .pdf file, please simply type
'abstract attached' in the abstract box.)

The number of submissions is not restricted. However, in the interests
of high participation and broad representation, each author should be
involved in a maximum of two oral papers and can only be a single
author of one. There are no restrictions on poster presentations.
Authors may want to keep this in mind when stating their preferences
concerning the mode of presentation of their submissions.

All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least three referees.
Papers accepted to the conference can be submitted to the refereed
proceedings, and will be published, subject to acceptance, online by
CSLI Publications. (Please note that papers submitted to the
proceedings are no longer automatically accepted for publication in
the proceedings.) See
for recent proceedings.


There will be a pre-conference excursion on the 14th June 2021. More
information will be provided at a later date.


If you have queries about abstract submission or have problems using
the EasyChair submission system, please contact the Program Committee.

Program Chairs (Email: lfg21 'at' easychair.org)

Tina Bögel, University of Konstanz
Agnieszka Patejuk, Polish Academy of Sciences and University of Oxford

Local conference organizers (Email: lfg-2021 'at' iln.uio.no)

Helge Lødrup
Dag Haug


Further information about LFG as a framework for linguistic analysis
is available at the following site:

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