[LFG] Relocating the LFG mailing list

Gerlof Bouma gerlof.bouma at gu.se
Wed Jan 13 15:16:51 UTC 2021

Dear all,

A month or two ago, we started the process of migrating the LFG mailing 
list to a new host. Under this period, the two incarnations of the LFG 
list have lived side-by-side. Next Monday, 18 January 2021, we will stop 
forwarding new posts to the old list. From then on, the LFG list will be 
exclusively hosted at the University of Konstanz, which also hosts the 
ILFGA mailing list.

The LFG pages at Konstanz can be found here:


and the Mailman information page for the new LFG list is here:


Posts to be circulated on the LFG list should from now on be sent to

   lfg-list at mailman.uni-konstanz.de

For policy reasons, it was not possible for us to automatically transfer 
all existing subscribers to the new list. Instead, we have sent 
invitations to all members of the LFG list to resubscribe to the list at 
the new location. We apologize to any subscribers who, for whatever 
reason, technical or other, have not received such an invitation.

If you have not signed up to the new list but wish to do so, we refer 
you to the subscription form on the Mailman information page linked above.

I hope to see you on the LFG list in its new location in the future!

Kind regards,

Gerlof Bouma
LFG list moderator

More information about the LFG mailing list