Gerard Prunier/Saint Exupery

Roland Breton breton-roland at
Tue Jun 1 15:38:27 UTC 2004

Dear Daniel Tompkins,

A new book has been published that gives far more details on the French
Policy in Rwanda. It's : "L'inavouable. La France au Rwanda" Paris, Les
Arènes, 2004 By Patrick de Saint Exupery, who is the nephew of the big
He demonstrates the heavy responsability of Mitterand and highest French
authorities in the preparation and implementation of the genocide.
And, among other reasons, the still alive resentments of some French leaders
against English policy until Fachoda, reverted into anti-American positions,
as far as the opposition to the French supported government in Kigali, were
helped by English-speaking Uganda and American CIA net.

Nine years after Prunier's bokk that's something of far more weight.

You may also find enclosed, in a rtf version from my iMac toward PC, a
review in French of this book

Best regards

Roland Breton

Roland J.-L. Breton
Professor Emeritus of Geography
University of Paris 8
(Vincennes-St Denis)
<breton-roland at>

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