LPRU Update - June 2004

Wayne Wright Wayne.Wright at asu.edu
Wed Jun 16 19:34:13 UTC 2004

LPRU | Language Policy Research Unit (www.language-policy.org)
EPSL | Education Policy Studies Laboratory
Arizona State University

June 15, 2004

LPRU Update

1. We are pleased to announce a new addition to the Language Policy Research Unit Website. The LPRU Virtual Library provides links to the full-text of research articles and reports which are freely available on-line, and which address issues of language policy. These articles and reports come from on-line journals, agency and organization websites, and the websites of individual researchers/scholars. Currently over 90 articles are available and are organized by the following topic areas:

  *Anti-Bilingual Education Initiatives – Proposition 227 (California), Proposition 203 (Arizona), Question 31(Colorado), Question 2 (Massachusetts)
  * Assessment/Testing of Language Minority Students
  * Bilingual Education (United States)
  * Bilingual/EFL Education and Bilingualism (International)
  * Education of Language Minority Students
  * Dual Immersion (Two-Way Immersion, Dual Language Programs)
  * English-only Movement and Legislation
  * Heritage/Community Languages
  * Indigenous and Native American Languages

The LPRU Virtual Library can be accessed from the LPRU Homepage (www.language-policy.org <http://www.language-policy.org/> ) by clicking on “LPRU Virtual Library.” We hope to make this a continuously expanding resource. If you know of any full-text articles related to language policy (in any language) which are freely available on-line, please send us the title and link at LPRUlist at asu.edu. LPRU wishes to thank ASU doctoral student Byeong-Keun You for his assistance in creating this valuable resource during his internship with LPRU last semester.

2. LPRU Researcher Wayne E. Wright recently completed his PhD at Arizona State University. He begins this fall as an Assistant Professor in the division of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies at the University of Texas, San Antonio. He will continue with LPRU in a new capacity as Co-Director along with Director Terrence G. Wiley.

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