10 September 2006 at Penn -- A Celebration of Joshua Fishman's 80th birthday

Teresa McCarty Teresa.McCarty at asu.edu
Mon Nov 21 16:38:42 UTC 2005

Nancy, I definitely want to come!  How wonderful that you are doing this!
More soon, TMcC

On 11/20/05 4:20 PM, "Nancy H. Hornberger" <nancyh at gse.upenn.edu> wrote:

> Announcing a Celebration of Joshua A. Fishman¹s Eightieth Birthday
> Joshua A. Fishman¹s eightieth birthday will be celebrated at the University of
> Pennsylvania on Sunday, September 10, 2006 with a one-day symposium honoring
> his pioneering contributions to the study of language and society.  We are
> also assembling an album of greetings and short narratives honoring Fishman,
> to which all are invited to contribute.
> The symposium, to be held from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm, will feature a keynote
> address by Nkonko Kamwangamalu of Howard University, a panel of three up and
> coming young scholars continuing the tradition of Joshua Fishman¹s
> scholarship, and a cross-generational panel of three scholars who draw
> inspiration from his work.  In addition, two volumes will be presented in
> honor of Professor Fishman.  The full program is included below.
> Check-in 9:30-10:00
> I. Greetings (10:00-11:00 am)
> *Susan Fuhrman
> *Courtney Cazden
> *Dell Hymes 
> *William Labov 
> *Samuel Norich
> II. Keynote Address (11:00 am-12:00 noon)
> "Language Policy and Practice in Post-apartheid South Africa: Challenges and
> Opportunities" 
> *Nkonko Kamwangamalu
> Lunch (12:00-1:30 pm)
> III. Panel (1:30-2:30 pm)
> Sociology of Language: A New Generation of Scholarship
> *Francis M. Hult 
> *Naomi Prawer Kadar
> *Shuhan Wang 
> Break (2:30-3:00 pm)
> IV. Panel (3:00-4:00 pm)
> Language Use, Language Planning, and Identity: Intergenerational Perspectives
> *Kendall King 
> *John Baugh 
> *Shirley Brice Heath
> V. Panel (4:00-4:30 pm)
> Language Loyalty: Fishman's Contributions to the Sociology of Language
> A Panel Presentation of two volumes honoring Joshua A. Fishman:
> Volume 1: Language Loyalty, Language Planning, and Language Revitalization:
> Recent Writings and Reflections from Joshua A. Fishman (Multilingual Matters)
> *Nancy H. Hornberger
> *Martin Pütz
> Volume 2: Language Loyalty, Continuity, and Change: Joshua A. Fishman's
> Contributions to International Sociolinguistics (Multilingual Matters)
> *Ofelia García
> *Rakhmiel Peltz
> *Harold Schiffman
> VI. Closing Remarks by Joshua A. Fishman (4:30-5:00)
> The symposium is strictly limited to 200 attendees.  The registration fee is
> $30.  Payment can be made with a check drawn on a US bank, or an international
> money order, made payable to ³The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania.²
> To register send your name, institutional affiliation, and e-mail address
> along with payment to:
> Fishman Celebration
> c/o Prof. Nancy H. Hornberger
> 3700 Walnut Street, 3d Floor
> Philadelphia, PA 19104-6216
> For more information about the symposium, including how to submit greetings
> and narratives, visit
> http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/plc/clpp/fishman80/
> Nancy H. Hornberger, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania
> Rakhmiel Peltz, Judaic Studies, Drexel University
> Harold F. Schiffman, Department of South Asia Studies, University of
> Pennsylvania
> Ofelia García, Teachers College, Columbia University
> Martin Pütz, Department of English, University of Koblenz-Landau

Teresa L. McCarty, Ph.D.
Alice Wiley Snell Professor of Education Policy Studies
Editor, Anthropology & Education Quarterly
Arizona State University ­ College of Education
ELPS - Farmer Bldg. 120 - POB 872411
Tempe, AZ  85287-2411
PH: 480/965-6357  FAX: 480/965-1880
Teresa.McCarty at asu.edu

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