A little humor...

Harold F. Schiffman haroldfs at ccat.sas.upenn.edu
Mon Oct 24 18:55:17 UTC 2005

>>From the NYTimes, October 24, 2005

Metropolitan Diary


I have the rare delight of living next to a gas station in Manhattan.
Recently, I was surprised and happy to notice two spiffy new signs that
said, "Please Do Not Horn." Got the point across, I thought. But
apparently others in the neighborhood who are more grammatically correct
complained. Changes were made. The signs now say, "Please Do Not Hork."

Eric J. Scholl

Dear Diary:

Last month, I spent a day as an extra in a comedy being filmed at the
Comic Strip on Second Avenue.  At every break in filming, two female
background actors would speak loudly to one another in French. They were
asked to keep quiet by the film crew, but still continued to talk. We all
endured this in silence until someone said: "Hey, this is New York.
Speak Spanish."

Pamela B. Guthrie

Copyright 2005 The New York Times Company

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