Catalan Language News 11 - December 2006

Harold F. Schiffman haroldfs at
Fri Dec 29 14:16:42 UTC 2006

Catalan Language News 11 - December 2006

The Catalan Language Observatory was set up in 2004 by cultural organisations from
all the Catalan-speaking lands, with the purpose of monitoring the Catalan language
rigorously and objectively.

The following organisati ons are members of the Observatory:
· Acció Cultural del País Valencià
· Associació de Juristes per la llengua
· Casal Jaume I de Fraga
· Casal Jaume I de Perpinyà
· Centre Internacional Escarré per a les Minories Ètniques i les Nacions (CIEMEN)
· Centre Unesco de Catalunya
· Comitè de Seguiment de la Declaració Universal de Drets Lingüístics
· Consell de Col·legis d'Advocats de Catalunya
· Culturalnord
· Fundació Congrés de Cultura Catalana
· Institut Linguapax
· Obra Cultural Balear
· Observatori de la Universitat d'Alacant
· Omnium Cultural
· Omnium Cultural de l'Alguer
· Organització pel Multilingüisme
· Plataforma per la llengua

With the support of:
· Institute of Catalan Studies
· Television of Catalonia
· IJLV - the Joan Lluís Vives Institute -, whose members are the following
- Abat Oliba CEU University
- Autonomous University of Barcelona
- International University of Catalonia
- Jaume I University
- Miguel Hernández University (Elx)
- Open University of Catalonia
- Pompeu Fabra University
- Ramon Llull University
- Rovira i Virgili University
- Technical University of Catalonia
- Technical University of Valencia
- University of Alacant
- University of Andorra
- University of the Balearic Islands
- University of Barcelona
- University of Girona
- University of Lleida
- University of Perpinyà
- University of Valencia
- University of Vic

With the support of:


Generalitat de Catalunya Government of Catalonia
Govern de les Illes Balears Government of the Balearic Islands
Generalitat Valenciana Government of the Valencian Community
Parlament de Catalunya Parliament of Catalonia
IEC Institute of Catalan Studies
institut Ramon Llull



The Institut d´Estudis Catalans(Institute of Catalan Studies, IEC) is the national
academy of the sciences and the humanities of Catalonia. It was founded in 1907 by
the statesmen Enric Prat de la Riba.

The IEC has five sections that work independently from each other, but are wholly
integrated into the IEC as a single academy body. These sections are:

History & Archaeology Section (1907)
Philological Section (1911)
Biological Sciences Section (1988)*
Science & Technology Section (1988)*
Philosophy & Social Sciences Section (1968)
[*Sections set up in 1911 as part of a Science Section]

The IEC is a full member of the International Academic Union (IAU) since 1922. The
IAU is a world federation of academies, national academies and scientific
institutions. It is based in Brussels. The IAU fosters international cooperation in
scientific activity and research.

What does the Institut d'Estudis Catalans do?


· One of the IEC's chief tasks is to codify and standardize the Catalan language.
The preparation and publication of the Diccionari de la llengua catalana, and of
the Atles linguistic del domini català, the computerization of the Diccionari
català-valencià-balear and the preparation of the Nomenclàtor oficial de toponímia
major de Catalunya.

· The IEC must report to the Generalitat, Government of Catalonia, on municipal,
regional and institutional shields and flags, and on the protection of monuments,
environments and landscapes of historic value.

· By order of the Generalitat, it regularly prepares and submits reports on the
state of research in Catalonia into all areas of knowledge and scientific research.

The Institut promotes and carries out research through projects, centers and
activities, either on its own or jointly with other institutions and research

Own and associated centers

· Laboratori d´Estudis Geofísics Eduard Fontserè(LEGEF), set up in 1982.
· Centre d´Art Romànic Català(ARCAT), opened in 1984.
· Centre Català de la Nutrició (CCNIEC), set up in 1999.
· Centre d'Estudis del Risc Tecnològic (CERTEC), set up in 1993.
· TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia, which was set up by the IEC and the Generalitat,
Government of Catalonia, in 1985, and became a consortium in 1994.
· Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals (CREAF) set up jointly with
the Generalitat, Government of Catalonia, the Autonomous University of Barcelona
and the University of Barcelona in 1987.
· Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) set up by the IEC in 1984 and becoming a
consortium in 2002


The research carried out by the IEC is disseminated through its published
collections and journals. The Institut's catalogue of publications lists more than
a thousand items.

Member associations

The Institut has societies attached to it which work in a wide variety of cultural,
scientific and technological fields. These societies group more than eight thousand
knowledgeable enthusiasts, based in all Catalan-speaking countries. They are
autonomous bodies, but form an integral part of the academic and organizational
structure of the IEC.

Institució Catalana d'Història Natural(1899)
Societat Catalana de Biologia(1912)
Societat Catalana de Física (1986)
Societat Catalana de Química (1986)
Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques(1986)
Societat Catalana de Geografia (1935)
Societat Catalana d'Estudis Històrics(1946)
Societat Catalana d'Estudis Jurídics (1995)
Societat Catalana d'Economia (1977)
Associació Catalana de Sociologia (1979)
Societat Catalana d'Estudis Litúrgics (1970)
Societat Catalana de Musicologia (1973)
Amics de l'Art Romànic (1977)
Societat Catalana de Pedagogia (1979)
Societat Catalana d'Estudis Clàssics (1979)
Societat Catalana d'Estudis Numismàtics (1979)
Societat Catalana d'Ordenació del Territori(1979)
Associació Catalana de Ciències de l'Alimentació (1979)
Catalana d'Història de l'Educació dels Països de Llengua Catalana (1982)
Institució catalana d'Estudis Agraris (1984)
Societat Catalana de Comunicació (1985)
Societat Catalana de Llengua i Literatura (1986)
Societat Catalana de Tecnologia (1986)
Societat Catalana d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (1991)
Societat Catalana d'Estudis Hebraics (1995)

[To join any of these societies, consult Institut d´Estudis Catalans]

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