Language in Business blog

Damien Hall halldj at
Sun Jul 9 20:47:09 UTC 2006

Apologies for cross-posting.

I have just seen the following posting in the LINGUIST notice board - this blog
seems exactly like the kind of thing that members of this list would be
interested in.  I have written to the blog author and told him about this list,

Damien Hall
University of Pennsylvania


Date:    19-May-2006
From: 	 Lawrence Baron
Subject: Language in Business Blog


I have started a blog, Language in Business, where I write about stories in the
media which identifies language as the main or one of the main features of the
story. By Language in Business I mean how the use of Language affects the
operation or management of a business.

I do not include PR stories about web sites being made available in different
languages nor how important learning a second language is. The kind of stories
I include are how snack companies (soft drinks, sweets/candy) use language to
attract young customers; what it costs a hospital to provide interpreters for
its patients or how a store increased its turnover by providing staff with
training material in their language.

Basically, I give the bare facts of the story and then identify Language and
philosophical type of issues. As befits a blog for business, I try to identify
the Bottom-Line of the story. For example: would you fly on a plane if you knew
that the cockpit crew could not communicate with each other effectively?

Needless to say, I'd be most grateful if you passed me any stories you come
across. The only criteria is that the story is in the public domain and free to
end users. I give the relevant links and credits to the stories I write about.

Thank you

Lawrence JC Baron
in Madrid, Spain

Language in Business Blog:
email: lawjcb at

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