Towards a bilingual Wales

Harold F. Schiffman haroldfs at
Sun May 7 12:53:06 UTC 2006

 Towards a bilingual Wales 6/5/2006

Do you want to have your say on plans to put the Welsh language at the
heart of Government? The Welsh Assembly Government is currently carrying
out a consultation on its proposals to merge and transfer the functions of
the Welsh Language Board into the Welsh Assembly Government, and how it
will benefit the people of Wales. A series of public events will be held
across Wales to discuss the key issues relating to the merger before the
consultation period ends on 27 May 2006.

Alun Pugh, Minister for Culture, Welsh Language and Sport, said: "The
Welsh Assembly Government is committed to working towards a bilingual
Wales. We want to mainstream the Welsh language within Government across
all policy areas, and create a Welsh Language powerhouse at the heart of
Government. "Merging the Welsh Language Board with the Assembly Government
will enhance democratic accountability. The merger of the Welsh Language
Board continues the process that was started with abolishing the WDA, WTB,
Elwa and ACCAC. The consultation outlines the Assembly Governments
proposals for the arrangements for the merger and transfer of functions,
and how the merger will benefit the people of Wales. As this is a
consultation, I want to hear the views of as many people as possible and I
would urge everyone who has a view to take part in these consultation
meetings to inform the process. "

The meeting will take place across Wales on the following dates:

May 12 6.30pm Main Arts Lecture Theatre, University of Wales Bangor
May 18 6.30pm Teifi Suite at Trinity College, Carmarthen
May 24 6.30pm University of Wales, Newport - Caerleon campus
May 25 6.30pm Deeside College

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