[saltmil] Working Together for Endangered Languages: Research Challenges and Social Impacts - new book

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 16:24:23 UTC 2007

Forward from the  Foundation for Endangered Languages

> The Foundation for Endangered Languages held its eleventh conference in
> Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in October 2007, in collaboration with the
> University of Malaya. It concerned the complex problems that arise in
> ensuring that linguists' work to document languages and promote language
> communities have positive, and no negative, effects on those same
> communities.
> To penetrate and immerse oneself in an ethnolinguistic speech community
> whose language may be on the verge of death provides the linguist many
> challenges on the social and relationship levels. While the linguist is
> required to collect data as a researcher, s/he must also form a
> relationship with the members of the community so as to collaborate with
> them in efforts to promote and preserve the language, in ensuring its
> revival, in establishing devices and procedures to stop endangerment
> etc. Given that the endangerment of languages can be handled sensitively
> through collaboration between researchers and members of a community
> facing language extinction, this Conference addressed the research
> challenges and social impacts of such collaborations.
> The proceedings of the conference are now available, entitled "Working
> Together for Endangered Languages: Research Challenges and Social
> Impacts", edited by Maya Khemlani David, Nicholas Ostler and Caesar
> Dealwis.(ISBN 9780953824892)
> It is an 178-page volume, and the contents look like this:
> Section 1    Inauguration and Keynote
> Preface: Working Together for Endangered Languages: Research Challenges
> and Social Impacts - Maya Khemlani David, Nicholas Ostler, Caesar
> Dealwis
>  From Nostalgia to Hope: The Impacts of a Language
> Documentation/Revitalization Project Among the Mapoyo of Venezuela –
> Tania Granadillo and Maria Eugenia Villalon
> Section 2    Community Empowerment: Some Needs
> Collaborative Language Revival – the work of Kaurna Warra Pityandi
> (Adelaide Plains, South
> Australia) - Rob Amery and Alitya Wallara Rigney
> A Model of Participatory Action Research: the Mayangna Linguists Team of
> Nicaragua - Elena Benedicto and
> Demetrio Antolín, Modesta Dolores, M. Cristina Feliciano, Gloria Fendly,
> Tomasa Gómez, Baudilio Miguel, and Elisa Salomón (Mayangna Yulbarangyang
> Balna)
> Section 3    Community Empowerment: Some Issues
> Developing Language Partnership with Tohono O'odham Nation (Arizona) –
> Colleen Fitzgerald
> Who Pays the Piper? – Simon Musgrave and Nicholas Thieberger
> Sensitivity to Code Selected for Discourse: Focus on the Bidayuhs in
> Kamponung Bogag, Bau District, Sarawak – Caesar Dealwis and Maya
> Khemlani David
> Section 4    Performance Arts
> Critical Multilingual Shift in Sanya, China: Accelerated Urbanization
> and Possible Sociolinguistic Repair - Benjamin K. Tsou, Andy C. Chin,
> Ouyang Jueya, Carol To, Kenny Mok and Yang Weihui
> Section 5    Theoretical Viewpoints
> Deontology of sociolinguistic & ethnomusicology fieldwork, Italy – Paolo
> Coluzzi
> Addressing the Ground of Language Endangerment (Victoria, Australia) -
> Christina Eira
> Section 6     Implications of Education
> Importance and Acquisition of Navajo Verbs in Navajo Children (New
> Mexico) - Melvatha R. Chee
> Orthography Development through Compulsory Education (Thailand) - Mark Holt
> Section 7    Government Policy effects
> On the Realization of Language Legislation in Russia: The Case of
> Buryatia – Galina Dyrkheeva
> Siraiki: A Case of  'Linguistic Cringe' in Pakistan – Saiqa Asif
> Challenges in Language Modernization in China:  The Case of Prinmi –
> Picus Ding
> Researching Language Maintenance and Vitality in SW Zimbabwe – Finex
> Ndhlovu
> Field experiences from Indus Kohistan, NWFP, Pakistan – Talib Jan
> Section 8    Effects of Outside Interests                    Saving
> Souls / Saving
> Languages: Writing Vernacular Aramaic (Western/Central Asia) – Eden Naby
> Documenting the Vidunda language of Tanzania – Karsten Legere
> Endangerment of Japanese language in Japanese diaspora: Evidence from a
> Russian Island Sakhalin - Yoshiyuki Asahi
> Section 9    Effects of Community Attitudes
> The Baka of Gabon: an Endangered Language and Culture –    Pascale Paulin
> Documenting in a Multilingual Setting: the case of the Barombi Language
> in Cameroon – Gratien Atindogbe
> FEL manifesto
> *********
> Copies are now available, at 20 pounds sterling ($40 US, 30 euro) apiece
> (including surface postage and packing). For air-mail dispatch, please
> add 7.50 pounds/$15.00/10 euro. Cheaper prices are available to FEL
> members, but copies are already on their way to Full, Light, Honorary
> and Corporate members.
> You can pay by
> - a cheque (in pounds sterling) payable to "Foundation for Endangered
> Languages".
> - a check (in US $) payable to "Nicholas Ostler".
> - proof of having sent an equivalent sum in your own currency to the
> society's account, "Foundation for Endangered Languages", Account no:
> 50073456, The Cooperative Bank (Sort code: 08-90-02), 16 St.
> Stephen's Street, Bristol BS1 1JR, England.
> - or by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, EuroCard), enclosing Card
> number, Expiry date (month | year), Name (as on card), and Address
> (as on card).
> To expedite delivery, please send orders to me at the address below.
> --
> Nicholas Ostler
> Chairman, Foundation for Endangered Languages
> Registered Charity: England and Wales 1070616
> http://www.ogmios.org
> 172 Bailbrook Lane, Bath, BA1 7AA, England
> nostler at chibcha.demon.co.uk <mailto:nostler at chibcha.demon.co.uk>

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