Turkey: CHP to announce new Kurdish policy at upcoming congress

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at gmail.com
Sat Apr 5 15:31:39 UTC 2008

CHP to announce new Kurdish policy at upcoming congress
The main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) will introduce itsnew policy on the Kurdish question at its 32nd party congress,scheduled for the end of this month. The report to be announced in theupcoming congress details the CHP's stance on the Kurdish issue,defining the issue as one of democratization and development. "We arenot against anybody's ethnicity, but terrorism. Democratization,individual and cultural rights are the fundamental pillars of CHPpolitics," says an excerpt from the report.The report also lists the proposals of the CHP for a solution. Amongthe proposals are increasing democratization; lifting all restrictionson individual and cultural rights; addressing the social and economicproblems of the poor and Kurdish-dominated Southeast and some easternprovinces; and establishing friendly relations with the Kurdishautonomous region in northern Iraq.
The report also summarizes messages given by its leader Deniz Baykalon a recent trip to Diyarbakır. Baykal during his trip had emphasizedremoving all restrictions in broadcasting and publishing in theKurdish language. The CHP Central Executive Board (MYK), whichgathered yesterday, drafted a plan for the party's general assembly,scheduled for April 26-27. In the meeting, which was not attended byCHP leader Baykal, members of the party council distributed a reporton the social and economic policies of southeast Anatolia and northernIraq. The report also includes evaluations of moves fordemocratization and steps that need to be taken for the development ofthe Southeast.

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