Canada: 'In denial' about language

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at
Sun Apr 20 11:58:31 UTC 2008

 Forwarded From: edling at

The Gazette

'In denial' about language

Robyn Matthew knows what's wrong with language education in Canada.
The 30-year-old British Columbia woman has even written a book,
Language Logic, that lays out solutions. Not bad for someone who
cheerfully admits she was an "abysmal French student" in high school.
Heaven knows some fresh thinking would be welcome. Though the number
of bilingual Canadians tripled between 1951 and 2001 to nearly 5.5
million, the proportion of the population able to speak both official
languages has stagnated. More recently, it actually declined slightly,
from 17.7 per cent in 2001 to 17.4 per cent in 2006.

Full story:

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