Ukraine: Concept of state language policy approved by Gov`t as core

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at
Thu Apr 24 18:39:06 UTC 2008

[24.04.2008 10:58]

Concept of state language policy approved by Gov`t as core

Government has approved as a basic one a Concept of realization of
state language policy. Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko announced
during a press conference on the outcomes of the Cabinet of Ministers'
sitting, according to the government's press-office.

According to Yulia Tymoshenko, Ministry of Culture and Tourism has to
put the mentioned issue for public consideration in order to finally
approve the Concept within the nearest time and prepare amendments to
the current laws dealing with language policy in Ukraine.

"The Government's objective is together with indisputable functioning
of one state language, a Ukrainian one, to take all necessary steps
which would give complete language comfort to everyone appearing a
Ukraine's citizen," Premier emphasized.

At this Yulia Tymoshenko informed that an open Gov't session is slated
for May 7, dedicated to the language issue and discussion of the
Concept of realization of the language policy.

"This topic is urgent and it should unite but never part Ukraine as it
is just state Ukrainian language as well as harmony in the language
issue which have to become a basis for consolidation of our nation
around wisely built language policy," Yulia Tymoshenko stressed.

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