Calls: Race, Religion and Representation

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at
Wed Jul 30 13:57:17 UTC 2008

Race, Religion and Representation

Date: 07-May-2009 - 10-May-2009Location: Lodz, PolandContact Person: Monika KopytowskaMeeting Email: mkopytowskayahoo.comWeb Site:

Call Deadline: 31-Dec-2008
Meeting Description:
Łódź was a unique multicultural experiment, one of the most culturally-mixedcosmopolitan centers in 19th-century and pre-war Europe. It is fitting that aconference focusing on issues of race and religion, among other realms ofmulticulturalism, should be held in Łódź, which was the second largest Yiddishcenter in Europe (and the third in the world), a Polish city with also a uniqueGerman heritage, a place with a fascinating African-American historicalconnection. This inter-disciplinary conference intends to explore the manyissues -- past, present and future -- that surround our notion of race andreligion, along with its representation in the media and the arts.
The conference will be a forum to address such issues as:- linguistic representation as socially constituted and constitutive- media and representation- images and representation- collective memories and linguistic representation- ideologies of power in the media- racial stereotypes in the media- language as a tool of racial discrimination- rhetoric of anti-Semitism, anti-Islamism and xenophobia- race and propaganda- metaphor and racial representation- religion and the media- religious images and concepts in contemporary culture- spoken and written forms of sacred texts- performativity and religious discourse- metaphor and religion- myths, archetypes and symbols- language and conflict- ethnic conflicts and representation in the media- language and identity- Jews and Polish-Jewish relations in art, media and literature- Christianity in art, media and literature- Islam and the Middle East in art, media and literature- African culture(s) in art, media and literature- Asian cult!
 ure(s) in art, media and literature- Gypsy culture(s) in art, media and literature- Yiddish language and culture- new and changing Polish identities- Łódź and its cross-cultural challenges
NB: The list of topics is not exhaustive.
Call for Papers
Organizing Committee:Dr. Monika KopytowskaProf. Dr. Piotr CapJohn Crust, M.A.
Abstracts:The conference language will be English and Polish. Presentations will consistof 20-minute slots, followed by a 10-minute discussion time. Participantsintending to give a paper are requested to e-mail an abstract of about 200-300words to both of the following addresses: The abstract should include the participant's name,academic position, affiliation, e-mail address and postal address. The deadlinefor abstracts is December 31, 2008. Notification of acceptance will be sent byJanuary 15, 2009. Participants without a paper are asked to e-mail their nameand academic affiliation only.A peer-reviewed selection of conference papers will be published with aninternational publisher.
Plenaries:The conference will feature between 4 and 6 plenary lectures given byinternationally-recognized specialists in their designated fields. The completelist of confirmed plenary presentations will be announced in late2008/early 2009.
Venue and Equipment:The conference will be held at the University of Łódź Conference Center, ul.Kopcińskiego 16/18, 90-232 Łódź ( Theconference site offers all presentation amenities, including laptops,powerpointbeamers and overhead projectors.
Registration Fees:The registration fee covers a set of conference materials, coffee breaks withrefreshments and access to Internet facilities. The regular fee is 150 Euros.Accommodation and full board in the Conference Center, including abuffet dinnerparty, is 350 Euros. Participants from Poland, East European countries andcountries with severe currency restrictions (please contact the organizers tocheck if you qualify) will be offered reduced fees of 80 Euros (320 PLN,conference fee) and 150 Euros (600 PLN, accommodation and board). Please notethat accommodation and full board cover a three-night stay (7th-8th,8th-9th and9th-10th May, breakfast included) plus the following meals: lunch and supper onthe 7th, lunch and buffet dinner party on the 8th, lunch and supper on the 9th,and lunch on the 10th. Fees should be transferred by March 15, 2009 to thefollowing bank account:''RRR, Monika Kopytowska'', Uniwersytet ŁódzkiBank PKO S.A., II O/Łódźul. Piotrkowska 270, 90-959 Łódź, !
 PolandAcc. no. (IBAN): PL14 1240 3028 1111 0010 0434 7782SWIFT: PKOPPLPWLDZ
The second circular, which will contain detailed information on the conferencevenue, transportation, as well as a provisional program of the conference, willbe e-mailed to the registered participants by March 31, 2009.
For further information please contact:Dr. Monika KopytowskaDepartment of PragmaticsInstitute of English, University of ŁódźAl. Kosciuszki 6590-514 Łódź, Polandtel/fax +48 42 6655220e-mail:
Important Dates:December 31, 2008, abstracts dueJanuary 15, 2009, notification of acceptanceMarch 15, 2009, all conference fees dueMarch 31, 2009, second circular and provisional conference program **************************************N.b.: Listing on the lgpolicy-list is merely intended as a service toits membersand implies neither approval, confirmation nor agreement by the owneror sponsor ofthe list as to the veracity of a message's contents. Members whodisagree with amessage are encouraged to post a rebuttal. (H. Schiffman, Moderator)*******************************************

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