New York: A new state policy to help English Language Learners on tests

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at
Sat Nov 1 14:28:56 UTC 2008

 A new state policy to help English Language Learners on
Elizabeth Green <>


The above policy change, passed by the state Board of Regents in September,
is something to watch. It will allow students still learning English to get
extra help on state tests for two years after they pass a English as a
Second Language proficiency exam.

The way English Language Learner students take tests has been a matter of
dispute in the city for a while, and it comes up a lot in the Bloomberg
administration's efforts to explain why students test scores have not gone
up as much as some would have hoped. Their reason: that a federal policy
change led more ELL students to take

By the same logic, giving accommodations to ELL students might help push
test scores up.

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