Language Policy and Language Learning conference, Limerick, June 2009: Abstracts deadline: 8 December 2008

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at
Fri Nov 14 15:50:12 UTC 2008

Forwarded From: Tadhg.O hIfearnain <tadhg.ohifearnain at>
Date: Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 6:03 AM
Subject: Language Policy and Language Learning conference, Limerick,
June 2009: Abstracts deadline: 8 December 2008

Language Policy and Language Learning: New Paradigms and New Challenges
18-20 June 2009
University of Limerick, Ireland.

Dear Colleagues,

This is a message to remind you/bring to your attention that the
deadline for submission of abstracts for the Language Policy and
Language Learning conference which will take place in UL directly
after a meeting of the AILA Executive and International Committee and
of AILA-Europe, is Monday 8 December. That is just three weeks a
couple of days away. The conference addresses all aspects of language
policy and politics, of language learning and of language learning

We would also be grateful if you would remind your colleagues and
students about this important conference and urge them to submit a
good abstract for a poster, paper, or panel.

Best wishes,


Tadhg Ó hIfearnáin
Conference Chair and President of IRAAL
Rúnaí na Comhdhála agus Uachtarán ChTF

Tadhg Ó hIfearnáin
Roinn na dTeangacha agus an Léinn Chultúir
Ollscoil Luimnigh

guthán: +353 61 202797
facs: +353 61 202556
tadhg.ohifearnain at

Tadhg Ó hIfearnáin
Department of Languages and Cultural Studies
University of Limerick

tel: +353 61 202797
fax: +353 61 202556
tadhg.ohifearnain at

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