[lg policy] calls: Personal Identity Through a Language Lens

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Sat Aug 8 15:19:43 UTC 2009

 Full Title: Personal Identity Through a Language Lens

Date: 20-May-2010 - 22-May-2010
Location: Lodz, Poland
Contact Person: Kamila Ciepiela
Meeting Email: kciepielawp.pl

Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics; Applied Linguistics;
Analysis; Sociolinguistics

Call Deadline: 31-Jan-2010

Meeting Description:

Personal Identity through a Language Lens
20 - 22 May 2010
University of ?ód?, Poland
Institute of English Studies
Chair of Semantics and Linguistic Semiotics

Reflecting upon their identity, people are faced with a paradox of staying the
same by continuously changing. To resolve this paradox they need to look at
identity from two seemingly contrastive, yet compatible and complementary
perspectives. Firstly, many philosophers, since John Locke, have sought the
basis of personal identity in the mind: in our psychological continuity over
time, mediated by memory. However, more recently, some scholars, philosophers
and psychologists alike, have emphasised the role played by the physical
continuity of the body. While each approach captures some aspects of identity,
neither gets to the heart of the matter. What is more, the role of language in
the process of identity creation remains at best a secondary concern, not a
focused goal of the field. In accordance with this research focus, the
conference will aim at exploring identity as constituted in and represented by
linguistic interaction. The need for such an approach has become apparent in
recent years; as linguistic research on identity has become
increasingly central
within sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, discourse analysis,
and social
psychology the concomitant development of linguistic approaches to identity has
been neglected.

The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars of varied
disciplines to
explore the issue from a range of perspectives. By applying a variety of
analytical tools and concepts, contributors will hopefully show how people
construct images of themselves through language, how they shape, perform and
re-shape their personal identities within and across local and dominant
discourses and finally how language resources are selected and used to perform
desirable versions of identities.

The following keynote speakers have already confirmed their participation:

Mike Baynham (University of Leeds, UK)
Alexandra Georgakopoulou-Nunes (King's College, London, UK)
Piotr Ole? (Catholic University of Lublin, Poland)

Call for Papers:

Although other topics may be considered, we welcome papers dealing
with, but not
being limited to, issues such as the following:

-Theorizing identity construction and identification processes from a
variety of
a. Identities as discursive-performative / multiple / fragmented / constructed
and negotiated / narrated / etc.
-Language and personal identity
a. Linguistic processes in creation of identity
b. Linguistic strategies in identity performance
c. Indexicality and identity
d. Categorization and personal identity
e. Identity and bilingualism
f. Identity and foreign language learning/teaching
g. Identity and belonging
-Discourse and identity
a. Discourse strategies of identity construction
b. Positioning theory and identity
c. Conversational settings and personal identity performance
d. Communication and public management of self
e. Narratives in identity construction and performance
-Identity and cognition
a. Time, space and identity maintenance
b. Memory and identity
c. Conceptualization of self and the other
d. Cognitive models of self
-Identity and selfhood
a. Essential core self
b. Dialogic self
c. Polyphonous self
d. Self and person
-Identity at the crossroads with its disciplinary neighbours
a. Literary theory, sociology, linguistics, discourse studies, anthropology,
communication studies, philosophy, etc.

300 word abstracts should be submitted by January 31, 2010. Abstracts may be in
Word, RTF or PDF formats with the following information and in this order:

a) author(s), b) affiliation, c) email address, d) title of abstract,
e) body of

Please use plain text (Times Roman 12) and abstain from using footnotes and any
special formatting, characters or emphasis (such as bold, italics or
We acknowledge receipt and reply to all paper proposals submitted. If
you do not
receive a reply from us in a week you should assume we did not receive your
proposal; it might be lost in cyberspace! In that case, we suggest either,
looking for an alternative electronic route or resending. Abstracts should be
sent to the organising chair: Kamila Ciepiela, kciepielawp.pl. They will be
blind peer reviewed. The authors will be notified of the acceptance or
of the paper by February 12, 2010.

The length of the presentation will be limited to 30 minutes with a 30 minute
discussion following every three presentations. Selected conference papers will
be eligible (subject to conditions) for publication with Lodz University Press.

The language of the Conference will be English, with a possible additional
Polish session.

The conference fee will be approximately €100. This includes:

Conference registration
Conference materials
Booklet of abstracts
Coffee breaks with coffee, tea, juice and biscuits

The conference will be held at the University of Lodz Conference
Center in Lodz.
Detailed information about the costs of accommodation will follow in the next

The organizers place a strong emphasis on dialogue with the issues
raised by the
conference as a whole and engagement with the people attending the conference.
These two elements are essential to the inter- and multi disciplinary nature of
the event. We believe that the success of our project should rest on the
continual interaction between participants for the duration of the conference
and beyond. We feel it is essential that delegates should be present for the
duration of the conference so as to facilitate the exchange of perspectives for
which the conference strives, and which any publication should clearly
demonstrate. Failure to attend for the duration of the meeting will
automatically exclude eligibility for inclusion in any of the project


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