[lg policy] UK: Welsh Language LCO Needs Your Say On New Strategy Plan

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Thu Oct 22 14:36:43 UTC 2009

Welsh Language LCO Needs Your Say On New Strategy Plan

Posted By admin On October 21, 2009 @ 5:29 am In Britain,

The strategy will guide the action that will be taken by the Welsh
Assembly Government in order to promote and protect the Welsh
language. It will incorporate the new opportunities that arise from
the Welsh Language LCO which will allow the National Assembly to
legislate on the language for the first time. The Welsh Language LCO
is now progressing to its final stages having been laid in the
Assembly on 20th October ahead of the debate on the 3rd of November.

The Heritage Minister said:

“The Welsh Assembly Government is seeking the power to enable the
National Assembly for Wales to legislate to confirm official status
for both English and Welsh, linguistic rights in the provision of
services and establish the post of Language Commissioner.

“However, seeking legislative competence for the National Assembly
with regard to the language is only one part of the jigsaw.  Last week
we formally opened the consultation process for a new language
strategy which will follow Iaith Pawb.

“Iaith Pawb was an important step in the history of the Welsh language
– the first national strategy for Welsh by any government.  But more
than six years have passed since it was launched and the Welsh
language landscape has changed significantly in that time.

“It is therefore timely to look at what needs to be done to promote
and facilitate the use of the language.  I would like to invite
everybody to have a say about the other elements that are important in
a language policy in order to feed into the process of developing a
new strategy.”

The consultation will cover a wide range of areas including;

* The use of Welsh in families
* Encouraging children and young people to use Welsh
* The use of Welsh as a community language
* Mainstreaming Welsh in the work of public sector organisations
* Promoting Welsh within the private and the third sector
* Reading, watching and listening in Welsh
* Having the tools in place to support the use of Welsh (including
terminology, translation, technology and research)
* The marketing of the language

People will be able to have their say until the end of January 2010.


Article printed from The Gov Monitor: http://thegovmonitor.com

URL to article:

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