[lg policy] letters to representatives: lANGUAGE POLICY

Eve Haque ehaque at YORKU.CA
Mon Apr 5 17:47:42 UTC 2010

how can we possibly know who our enemies are if they don't sign their names?

Julia De Bres wrote:
> This discussion has been held before on this list: as I understand it Hal forwards on anything relevant to language policy as it comes across his desk, academic or not, offensive or not. Everyone knows bigoted English Only champions are out there, and they are as offensive to a non-resident of America as to anyone else. But what kind of language policy scholars would we be if we ignored them and only paid attention to views that we agreed with? Do we really want to only read things by people we agree with? I'd rather know my enemy.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 5/04/2010, at 6:39 PM, Manel Lacorte <mlacorte at umd.edu> wrote:
> I completely agree with Ofelia's questions and requests. Please remove my name from the list if I am going to continue receiving this kind of posts. This is also MY country. Manel Lacorte.
> Ofelia Garcia wrote:
> Where is the signature on this letter? Is this appropriate material to post? I don't send my personal letters to this group. If this is the kind of posting that we're getting, then I would want my name removed from this list. It is also MY country.
> Ofelia Garcia
> On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 11:03 AM, Harold Schiffman <hfsclpp at gmail.com <mailto:hfsclpp at gmail.com>> wrote:
>    Letter to Representative Tammy Baldwin (D-WI 2nd) , 6th-term Democrat
>    from Wisconsin.
>    To:
>    President Barack Obama
>    Rep. Tammy Baldwin
>    Sen. Herbert Kohl
>    Sen. Russ Feingold
>    January 29, 2010
>    We want English to be our official language. Immigrants who come to
>    our Country are required to learn English. We are waisting Billions of
>    dollars each year printing our information in dozens of foreign
>    languages. Why do you keep catering to all the foreigners when you
>    should be making them abide by our laws? By not making foreigners
>    learn our language, you are allowing them to set up little foreign
>    communities inside our country and not assimilate into our society. We
>    are wasting Billions of our school systems money to teach foreigners
>    in their own language.  Stop catering to foreigners and start working
>    for "OUR" Country for a change.
>    Brodhead , WI
>    --
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