[lg policy] Switzerland: How the other half lives (and speaks)

Damien Hall djh514 at YORK.AC.UK
Fri Apr 9 11:21:12 UTC 2010

Via @hyperlingo and @langology on Twitter: An article about a 
German-speaking Swiss parliamentarian who has moved to French-speaking 
Switzerland for a year to learn French:


Published 8 April 2010.

(The original is from http://www.swissinfo.ch, but its URL is too long not 
to be cut by most e-mail display programs. If you want the original URL and 
can't recover it after clicking on the link above, go to 
http://www.swissinfo.ch and search for 'How the other half lives': that's 
what I did to recover the URL from another shortened version. It worked 
fine, as the article is very recent at the moment.)


Damien Hall

University of York
Department of Language and Linguistic Science
YO10 5DD

Tel. (office) +44 (0)1904 432665
     (mobile) +44 (0)771 853 5634
Fax  +44 (0)1904 432673


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