[lg policy] book notice: Ethnography and Language Policy

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Sat Apr 17 14:34:20 UTC 2010

Ethnography and Language Policy
Edited by Teresa L. McCarty

ISBN: 978-0-415-80140-9
Publish Date: October 15th 2010
Imprint: Routledge
Pages: 240 pages

Description Author Bio Subjects Description

Illuminating, through ethnographic inquiry, how individual agents
"make" language policy in everyday social practice, this volume
advances the growing field of language planning and policy using a
critical sociocultural and ethnographic approach. Recognizing that
language policy is not only about official acts and documents, and not
merely or even primarily about language per se, but rather about power
relations that privilege some languages and speech communities while
marginalizing others, it seeks to expand policy discourses in ways
that lead to social justice for all.

Using this conceptual framework, tapping into leading-edge
interdisciplinary scholarship and charting new directions, the authors
address a variety of pressing language policy and planning issues: the
impacts of globalization, diaspora, and transmigration on language
practices and policies; language shift, endangerment, and
revitalization; medium-of-instruction policies; heritage-language
maintenance; literacy and biliteracy; language and ethnic/national
identity; and the tensions inherent in conducting language planning
and policy research. These issues are contextualized in case studies
by leading scholars in the field.

-- http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415801409/
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