[lg policy] Iceland Volcano Spews Consonants and Vowels

Christina Paulston paulston at PITT.EDU
Mon Apr 19 18:51:35 UTC 2010

I thought I was calling attention to nonsense - only yours.  The other  
poor blokes were interviewed in a subway station, if I remember  
correctly, and made no claim to expertice. CBP

On Apr 19, 2010, at 7:27 AM, Kephart, Ronald wrote:

> On 4/17/10 3:01 PM, "Christina Paulston" <paulston at pitt.edu> wrote:
> I don't think it becomes members of this list to ridicule others who
> have not mastered a particular jargon.  Christina
> Maybe, but if these folks are not willing to learn at least some of  
> the jargon, what business do they have writing about language? And  
> why shouldn't we call them on it?  If they're willing to publicly  
> flaunt what amounts to their intellectual laziness, they should be  
> willing to take the heat.
> In fact, this is a serious problem in many areas of language- 
> related  topics, such as, er, language planning and policy. Public  
> officials, and others, imagine that because they can talk, that  
> makes them experts on language. Look where that's gotten us with  
> regard to literacy in language-minority populations, for example.
> I think we need to be more vocal in calling attention to nonsense  
> when we see it.
> Ron
> --
> Ronald Kephart
> Associate Professor of Anthropology
>   and Linguistics
> Coordinator, Anthropology Program
> University of North Florida
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