[lg policy] calls: Language Contact in Times of Globalization

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Tue Apr 27 13:47:33 UTC 2010

Language Contact in Times of Globalization
Short Title: LCTG3

Date: 30-Jun-2011 - 02-Jul-2011
Location: Greifswald, Germany
Contact: Amei Koll-Stobbe Sebastian Knospe
Contact Email: kstobbeuni-greifswald.de; sebastian.knospeuni-greifswald.de

Linguistic Field(s): Sociolinguistics

Meeting Description:

Conference Announcement:

Third Conference on Language Contact in Times of Globalization (LCTG3)

Keywords: language contact, contact linguistics; bilingualism, multilingualism

(Open to participants from all modern philologies)

30 June 2011 - 02 July 2011, University of Greifswald, Germany

Conference language: English

The Institute of Foreign Languages of the University of Greifswald, Germany is
proud to host the 'Third Conference on Language Contact in Times of
Globalization' (LCTG3) in 2011.

The symposium will take place from 30 June 2011 to 2 July 2011 and will be
organized in cooperation with the University of Groningen. It continues the
tradition started with LCTG1 and LCTG2 in Groningen in 2006 and 2009.

To stimulate interdisciplinary discussion, LCTG3, although organized by the
Chair of English Linguistics in Greifswald, seeks to bring together
from different philologies, e.g. linguists focusing on Germanic, Finno-Ugric,
Romance, Scandinavian or Slavic languages.

As indicated by the title of the conference, its focus will be on language
contact in times of globalization. Thus, we are interested in papers on contact
scenarios which involve local varieties, minority and regional
languages as well
as national and supranational languages used as lingue franche in the global
arena. Apart from that, we would highly appreciate contributions which
critically reflect on the fundaments of contact linguistics, or that
make use of
innovative approaches and methodologies to account for the processes
and results
of language contact in the 21st century.

The University of Greifswald, which is going to celebrate its 555th anniversary
in 2011, will offer a convenient conference venue. Due to its geographical
setting, the old Hanseatic Town of Greifswald itself is ultimately linked to a
supranational European contact zone: namely that of the Baltic Sea Area. The
latter itself has gone through a history full of change, spanning from
the times
of the Hanseatic League to the political divides after the Second World War
which were gradually overcome after the fall of the iron curtain.

However, the fact that mobile speakers tend to cross linguistic and cultural
boundaries and that this may be impeded by different factors (especially
political ones) is certainly universal. Accordingly, comparative and
interdisciplinary work focusing on the impact exerted by
internationalization on
the relation between different linguistic codes or rather between
their speakers
is required. To that end, LCTG3 explicitly encourages papers from different
philologies looking at language contact from various angles, i. e. in everyday
life contexts, in the media, but also in institutional settings.

Proposals for potential conference sections are highly welcome. Please feel
invited to send in your suggestions to one of email addresses given above. An
official 'Call for Papers' will follow. Additionally, we will arrange a
conference website with further, continuously updated information on LCTG3.

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(H. Schiffman, Moderator)

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