[lg policy] calls: Variation and Language Processing: from experimental pragmatics to sound change.

Harold Schiffman haroldfs at GMAIL.COM
Mon Dec 6 15:01:02 UTC 2010

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VaLP 2011 - Variation and Language Processing: from experimental
pragmatics to sound change.
Location: Chester, UK
Date: 11-13 April 2011
Conference contact: Phillip Tipton
Email: valp at chester.ac.uk
Website: http://sites.google.com/site/valp2011/home
Deadline: 10th December 2010

Final Call for Papers

The issue of variation in the speech signal is becoming increasingly
influential in paradigms of language processing which have, hitherto,
largely assumed an idealised speaker-hearer as the source and receiver
of the signal.  Insights from variationist sociolinguistic studies of
(mainly) speech production, for example, have demonstrated that
structured variation is an inherent property of language performance
and the most recent work in sociophonetics has underlined the
importance of building variation into adequate models of both speech
production and perception. A common theme underlying much work carried
within the sociophonetic paradigm is that notion that linguistic and
social information are processed in similar ways.  This forms part of
the wider sociolinguistic concern as to the nature, representation and
processing of social meaning  Innovative methodologies, including
those drawn from experimental psychology, are now being exploited by
variationist sociolinguists to better understand the complexities of
the relationship between language variation, change and social
meaning. Equally, the burgeoning field of experimental pragmatics
places at its heart an experimental approach to the the relationship
between language and meaning.  VaLP 2011 aims to offer an opportunity
for linguists and others to present research on the interface between
linguistic variation, at all levels of the grammar, and language
processing.  The conference further aims to act as the catalyst for
the launch of an international network of scholars working at the
interfaces of their linguistic sub-disciplines, bringing together
sociolinguists, psycholinguists and experimental pragmaticians, as
well as other linguists, psychologists and cognitive scientists
working on the relationship between linguistic variation, in its
widest sense, and language processing.

Invited Speakers

David Britain (University of Bern)
Gerry Docherty (Newcastle University)
Napoleon Katsos (University of Cambridge)
Norma Mendoza-Denton (University of Arizona)
Jane Stuart-Smith (University of Glasgow)

We invite the submission of abstracts from any area of the language
sciences which detail research in keeping with the theme of the
conference.  Abstracts, which will be peer-reviewed, should be no
longer than one side of A4 paper (including references) and may be
presented in either .pdf or .doc format. Tables etc. may be presented
in an appendix.  Abstracts should be anonymous with the author details
contained within the body of the email.  Please submit abstracts to
valp at chester.ac.uk.

Keywords: sociolinguistics; psycholinguistics; experimental
pragmatics; phonetics; laboratory phonology; social cognition;
language processing.

Important Dates

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 10th December 2010
Notification of acceptance: 3rd January 2010
Conference begins: 11th April 2011



 Harold F. Schiffman

Professor Emeritus of
 Dravidian Linguistics and Culture
Dept. of South Asia Studies
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305

Phone:  (215) 898-7475
Fax:  (215) 573-2138

Email:  haroldfs at gmail.com


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