[lg policy] UK: Clever Clegg minds his languages - all six of them

Dave Sayers dave.sayers at CANTAB.NET
Fri Jun 18 14:51:23 UTC 2010

When Tony Blair was Prime Minister, he won a lot of favour in France by 
speaking French in TV interviews and other appearances; but he was 
always very quiet about this skill to British audiences. You could well 
be forgiven for never knowing he spoke a word of any other language. I'd 
wager that he saw more suspicion than admiration in Britain for 


Dr. Dave Sayers
Honorary Research Fellow
School of the Environment and Society
Swansea University
d.sayers at swansea.ac.uk

On 19:59, Harold Schiffman wrote:
> Forwarded From:  edling at lists.sis.utsa.edu
> The Independent
> Clever Clegg minds his languages - all six of them
> As Nick Clegg fell fluently into German during his visit to Berlin
> last week, his senior Cabinet colleague William Hague held fast to his
> translation earphones so he could understand what the Deputy Prime
> Minister was saying. I bet he did. Anything could have been going on.
> Clegg could have signed Britain up to the euro.
> A mastery of foreign languages is regarded by most of us with
> admiration – and suspicion. Clegg is more connected to European blood
> lines than the Royal Family, and can converse in most countries. He
> famously has five languages, six if you count his much-admired body
> language. It is not a question of token phrases.
> Full story:
> http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/sarah-sands/sarah-sands-clever-clegg-minds-his-languages--all-six-of-them-1999030.html
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