[lg policy] calls: Workshop on Sri Lanka Malay

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Thu Nov 4 15:05:13 UTC 2010

Workshop on Sri Lanka Malay

Date: 10-Nov-2010 - 10-Nov-2010
Location: Leipzig, Germany
Contact: Sebastian Nordhoff
Contact Email: < click here to access email >
Meeting URL: http://www.eva.mpg.de/lingua/conference/10-slm2010

Linguistic Field(s): Sociolinguistics

Subject Language(s): Sri Lankan Creole Malay

Meeting Description:

Sri Lanka Malay is arguably one of the most interesting contact languages.
The traditional Malay-based lexicon is retained, but the grammar has
undergone radical change and is now basically of Dravidian typology. Lack of
European input and 'regrammaticization' instead of relexification make this
contact language particularly interesting.

Research on this language has chiefly been undertaken by more or less
isolated researchers at different parts of the globe. Some fundamental
issues in the study of Sri Lanka Malay are far from having achieved
consensus, most notably the genesis, where the relevance of first language
acquisition against second language acquisition and the (ir)relevance of
Sinhala as a contact language are still contested topics.

This meeting will bring together for the first time a great majority of all
researchers in order to collect hypotheses and pieces of evidence and
discuss the relative merit thereof. The meeting will try to gather as many
as possible of the following researchers:

- Peter Slomanson (University of Arhus, English Department)
- Peter Bakker (University of Arhus, Linguistics Department)
- Ian Smith (York University, Canada)
- Scott Paauw (Rochester University, US)
- Mohamed Jaffar (York University)
- Romola Rasool (University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka)
- David Gil (MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig)
- Sebastian Nordhoff (MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig)

The meeting takes place just before the APiCS Conference. See website:



9:30- 9:45

Session 1: Setting the Stage

Peter Bakker: 'How Unique is Sri Lanka Malay? Recent Work on SLM in the
Context of Language Contact Studies'

Peter Slomanson: 'Known, Inferable, and Discoverable in Sri Lankan Malay

Coffee break

Session 2: The Indonesian Input

David Gil: 'Malay/Indonesian Dialect Geography and the Sources of Sri Lankan

Scott Paauw: 'Language Contact Issues in the Development of the Lexicon of
Sri Lanka Malay'


Session 3: The Lankan Input

Mohamed Jaffar: 'The Semantics of Verb-sequencing in Sri Lanka Malay'

Ian Smith: 'Hijacked Constructions in Untutored Second Language Acquisition:
Implications for SLM'

Coffee break

Session 4: Present Perspectives and Global Perspectives

Romola Rassool: 'Studying Contemporary Usage of and Attitudes to the SLM
Language: a Preliminary Discussion'

Sebastian Nordhoff: 'The Genesis of Sri Lanka Malay as a Multi-layered

Final discussion


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