[lg policy] Endangered Language Fund October 2010 Newsletter

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Fri Nov 5 14:24:49 UTC 2010

Endangered Language Fund October 2010 Newsletter

Dear all,

The Endangered Language Fund is a non-profit organization
dedicated to the documentation and revitalization of endangered

The October 2010 issue of our newsletter, Language Legacies, is now
available online. You can view the newsletter by visiting:


This issue announces ELF grant recipients for 2010 and gives an
overview of their projects. We had a record 123 proposals submitted
this year and were able to award 14 grants.

You can sign up to receive future issues automatically at the bottom left
of our home page:


The Endangered Language Fund awards grants to linguists and
language activists throughout the world. These grants are supported
almost entirely by individual donations. Please consider making a
donation to help us stem the tide of language loss:



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