[lg policy] World Wrestling Entertainment's language policy

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Thu Apr 14 15:21:01 UTC 2011

WWE has an information sheet titled “The Language of WWE” that they
send to voice-over talents who record commentary and other various
audio clips in the respective language of their country. The sheet
includes “Incorrect Terminology” as well as a list of “Correct

WWE’s official statement regarding the language policy is as follows.

“World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) is a publicly traded
entertainment company (NYSE: WWE) that creates and delivers a weekly
action soap opera to its passionate fans.

WWE has been a recognized leader in entertainment for more than 25
years and has developed into one of the most popular and sophisticated
forms of global entertainment today.

As a global entertainment brand, the language that we use when
communicating on WWE is critical.

Please ensure that you are familiar and employing the below, effective
immediately. “

Below is a listing of banned and appropriate terminology as ruled by WWE.

“Wrestling” or “catch” is banned. Some European countries still use
the term “catch” to describe professional wrestling and “catchers” to
describe wrestlers.

“The Language of WWE” states that the following phrases are incorrect:
“Wrestling is broadcast in 145 countries,” or “Catch is broadcast in
145 countries.” The correct terminology is, “WWE is broadcast in 145

“Sports” is incorrect. “Entertainment or Action Soap Opera” is
allowed. For example, “WWE is exciting entertainment” or “WWE is an
exciting action soap opera” is allowed. In the last example, “action
soap opera” is printed in bold, presumably to make sure there’s no

“Catchers” or “wrestlers” are not allowed. Incorrect examples are
“Catchers are unique characters” or “Wrestlers are unique characters.”
The term “WWE Superstars” is recommended.

“Athletes” or “Sportsmen” are not allowed. Rather, WWE encourages the
following example: “WWE Superstars are entertainers with tremendous
athletic prowess.”

“Fight” is not allowed, but “match” or “bout” is.

“Fighting” is also not allowed and is supposed to be replaced with “action.”


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