[lg policy] Ireland: Fine Gael policy will kill off the Irish language, says Micheal Martin

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Tue Feb 15 16:37:32 UTC 2011

Fine Gael policy will kill off the Irish language, says Micheal Martin

Monday, 14 February 2011

The abolition of mandatory Irish language studies to Leaving Cert
level would sound the death knell for the language, Micheal Martin
said yesterday. The Fianna Fail leader hit out at Fine Gael's
controversial policy as threatening to undermine all the progress that
has been achieved with the language over the past few decades. "To
remove it now would, I believe, spell the death knell for the
language," said Mr Martin. "I disagree with the Fine Gael policy on
the Irish language. We support the retention of Irish as a compulsory
Leaving Certificate subject.

"It is a core part of our heritage and I feel there has been a
tremendous renaissance in cities, with young people in Gaelscoileanna,
which has transformed the entire attitude towards the Irish language
across the country." Mr Martin added that Irish-language summer
courses also played a vital role in terms of Irish cultural heritage
and the development of young people.

"I have personal experience of this in the Corca Dhuibhne Gaeltacht
and I think there's a real danger that the Fine Gael policy would
undermine all of that," he said. The Fianna Fail leader also said it
was fantastic that the political party leaders would debate the
election issues entirely in Irish on TG4 this week. "(I am) looking
forward to the debates. I think it's great that three leaders are
willing to have a debate as Gaeilge.

"It's a very good signal to the nation and I think it's an indication
of the growing stature of TG4. Both other leaders have very good
Irish," he said.

Meanwhile, it was confirmed yesterday that the first general election
debate in Irish between the three main party leaders will not be
broadcast live. It will take place shortly after 10am on Wednesday in
the studios of TG4 in Baile na hAbann, Connemara. Fine Gael leader
Enda Kenny will be joined by Micheal Martin and Eamon Gilmore for the
debate, which will be conducted entirely through Gaeilge.

The moderator with be TG4's news anchor, Eimear Ni Chonaola. The
debate is expected to last 50 minutes.Immediately afterwards,
technicians and translators will begin the task of structuring
subtitles for the broadcast. The debate will be screened on TG4 in
Irish, with English language subtitles, at 7pm and again at 10pm on

Read more: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/republic-of-ireland/general-election/fine-gael-policy-will-kill-off-the-irish-language-says-micheal-martin-15083134.html#ixzz1E2vYUnCz

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