[lg policy] Young Fine Gael Endorse Fine Gael's Irish Language Policy

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Wed Feb 16 16:14:51 UTC 2011

Young Fine Gael Endorse Fine Gael's Irish Language Policy

Speaking about Fine Gael's plans to reform the way Irish is taught,
Young Fine Gael (YFG) President, Eric Keane, fully endorsed the plan
to invigorate the Irish language and the manner in which it is taught.
"If we do not change the way Irish is taught, the future of Irish is

"Fine Gael will change the way Irish is taught in our schools so that
Irish people will no longer finish secondary school, having learnt
Irish for 13 years, and yet are unable to speak the language. The Fine
Gael plan is to place a greater emphasis on the spoken language and
not the rote learning that characterises the current system.

"After ten years of the new and improved curriculum, then, and only
then, will Irish become optional for the Leaving Certificate.  The
biggest indictment of the current syllabus is that many people after
just 5 years learning a foreign language in secondary school come out
of school more fluent in that foreign language than they do in Irish.
The Fine Gael plan aims to change that. This is why we as young
members of Fine Gael endorse this plan. I would love to be able to
speak Irish fluently, but due to the way it is taught, the cúpla focal
evade me.

"Enda Kenny and Fine Gael want what is best for the Irish language.
Fine Gael's reforms of the curriculum are guided by the determination
that Irish should be an active language in our community, where all of
our people can speak the language, treasure it and be proud of it"


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